19 thoughts on “February”

    1. Thank you. I started out with oh, February, another snow poem. Then I really looked at it for awhile and my attitude shifted just a bit. πŸ™‚

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  1. I read this again this morning as the snow started here. That first line. What a beautiful, peaceful and vivid opening. I like that you end the second line with “muting,” causing a pause before saying what was muted, the most important point being the silencing itself. And the juxtaposition of the daffodil metaphor works perfectly – out of season but not out of place. There is a wonderful depth in having the first stanza descriptive, a painting, and the second the thoughts and emotions. Those final two lines are sublime. Can you tell I absolutely loved this one!?

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    1. Let me just bask here in your lovely comment…
      I can’t tell you how I appreciate your careful reading. I was trying to write a tanka, moving from image to inner thoughts, but my syllables were not cooperating. So I’m glad you could see those tanka-like parts.

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  2. Beautiful imagery. I really enjoyed the way your words flow together forming a rhyme, almost. We’ve had plenty of snow this way. A blizzard hit the east coast and seems we’re constantly under a winter storm advisory. Thank you for sharing this.

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