
The soul was made to fly—

Watch song-birds flit

before storm-gray sky

and know we all share

this circumstance: pinned

by self-weight to earth,

this wing-beat effort

must rupture our spirit

unless we give voice

to the longing

for beauty to come


37 thoughts on “Song”

    1. I am glad it helped you, though sorry you are down. Some days can just be “ugh.” I wish you a sunny evening and beautiful, heart-healing music!


      1. Thank you for you kind words! Have a nice sunday
        I absolutely love the last three lines of your poem
        “unless we give voice
        to the longing
        for beauty to come”


  1. Geez, Jennifer, this is so beautiful. So meticulously (but not fussy) written. The right words in the right places.


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