given: what have i/what can i/what could i have

for M., A., & P.C.

first, life—but what of it
life is all around, this collection of cells
bodies coming together
time and time and time

love—have you always known
not adoring eyes but daily bread
and fencing to keep you safe
how you shook it, railing
doubt and doubt and doubt

some lesson—what is it
that mistakes can or can’t be
forever, a path misstepped
can be straightened and lead where—?—
it always wanted to go
(regret no and no and no)

being every summer’s pledge
to keep tomato vines trim
zucchini picked small
what luxury are we, unpruned
and what cruel joke of divine design
that we bloom fully
only in the eye of the tearing wind


12 thoughts on “given: what have i/what can i/what could i have”

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