Teen Philosophy

Smile. Put on a bright face
I say and you ask why
should feelings be shelved
shifted like leftovers
to the back of the fridge
not good enough for company
only for quiet lonely lunching
a secret warmed-up snack
when no one is there
to see

PAD Chapbook Challenge Day 27: a leftovers poem.

12 thoughts on “Teen Philosophy”

    1. Thank you. We do try so hard to look bright for the world, when those darker feelings are perhaps more needful of being acknowledged. Or at least, equally deserving.

      It was an odd conjunction, the PAD prompt coming on the same day I had been thinking of this feelings stuff.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was recently at a yoga retreat and all the teacher talked about was being willing to ‘dwell’ with the bad. She was quoting Descent of the Goddess — something like ‘holding the wisdom of isolation and bitterness’. I have been trying to wrap my head around it the last two months. I think it is correct, but I am not sure what it means really. πŸ™‚


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